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Carefully curated trip itineraries to explore the world in unforgettable ways.

There are journeys that are unmatched, destinations that are unrivalled and places that leave their mark in an indelible way. These are some of the memorable elements that have been woven together to create the ultimate travel experience. These are no ordinary experiences – these are Extraordinary Explorations.

Extraordinary Explorations departures.

Find a collection of captivating destinations. The tough part will be choosing which one.

Cancellation policy.

Our new cancellation policy lets you book with peace of mind. Your safety and security are our number one priority. We also know that things can change. Our new policy applies to all 2024 and 2025 Extraordinary Explorations® trips, including our Solo Collection.

  • Your deposit is fully refundable up until time of final payment.*
  • After final payment, should a tour be cancelled by Extraordinary Explorations®, due to unforeseen circumstances, all monies paid will be refunded to you.*

Safe travelling with Extraordinary Explorations.

Based on the ongoing changes to travel and pandemic-related entry regulations, documents required for Extraordinary Explorations’ clients will be based on the most restrictive destination being visited or the local operator. It is strongly advised that travellers be fully vaccinated as this is an ongoing trend with country and local regulations. CAA Travel Consultants will advise clients of these restrictions at time of booking, before final payment and again when final travel documents are sent.

Extraordinary tour classifications.

All Extraordinary Explorations programs include return economy class airfare from Toronto and Winnipeg, all destination transportation including transfers and CAA Member-exclusive benefits.
Premier Collection
Premier Collection tours are CAA Hosted and are designed to provide CAA Members with more immersive discoveries of bucket-list destinations around the world. For a minimum of 10 days, CAA Members will stay in deluxe accommodation^ (where available) with gratuities and most meals included.
Plus Collection
Extraordinary Explorations’ most popular worldwide tours, Plus Collection programs operate an average of 10 days and offer first-class accommodation^ (where available), some meals and local English-speaking tour directors specifically chosen by CAA.
Classic Collection
Our Classic Collection is perfect for CAA Members looking for a unique getaway to discover destinations closer to home. With a combination of first-class and moderate accommodation^ (where available) ranging between five and 10 days in duration, these interactive tours include breakfast daily and local English-speaking tour guides.
Solo Collection
CAA Solo Travel programs are designed exclusively for the solo traveller who enjoys group vacations with like-minded individuals – travel solo, not alone! And the best part, all programs include a CAA Host.

Activity levels.


Travellers who are comfortable participating in at least three hours of activity per day. Usually includes touring by coach, with some standing and walking for periods of time during museum visits or city tours. Suitable for travellers with lower mobility.


Travellers who lead active lives, have a zest for adventure and some fitness. These trips may involve more activities or longer touring days with a full and active schedule. Excursions require walking and standing for extended periods time.


Travellers who will truly enjoy this tour need to be able to participate in longer physical activities, such as stretches of longer walking tours, walking over uneven terrain, climbing stairs and periods of standing.


This tour is very active, requiring participants to have a higher level of fitness and to challenge themselves. Travellers should be comfortable with well paced walking tours, uneven terrain, climbing stairs and long touring days.

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Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET

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