The Board and the Management Team of CAA Club Group (CCG) are committed to a high standard of corporate governance. The mandate of the Board of Directors is the governance of the organization on behalf of its Members to ensure continued financial viability, a commitment to CCG's constitution and the fulfillment of CCG's Mission/Vision. Through its committees, and as a whole, the Board acts as a cohesive team with shared responsibilities that are clearly defined and understood by all Directors. The Board also periodically assesses its own effectiveness, the performance of board committees and the contribution of individual Directors.
Each of CCG's elected Directors makes a significant commitment that involves regular meetings each year, service on at least one committee and participation in an annual strategic retreat. In addition, some Directors serve on CAA National committees and task forces and also on the CAA Board. Together with CCG's talented Management Team, the Board of Directors continue to be dedicated to the interests of its Members and to maintain a high level of achievement in the discharge of their responsibilities.