Speeding & Stunt Driving
Did you know that 83% of Ontario drivers have witnessed other drivers speeding? Speeding and stunt driving continues to put innocent road-users at risk. Know the penalties for stunt driving.
Speeding and stunt driving, explained.
What is stunt driving?
- Driving 40 km/hr or more over the speed limit on roads with a speed limit less than 80 km/hr
- Driving 50 km/hr or more over the speed limit
- Driving 150 km/hr or more anywhere in the province – including sections of freeways with limits of 110 km/hr
- Driving in a way that prevents other vehicles from passing or intentionally cutting off another vehicle
- Intentionally driving too close to another vehicle, pedestrian or fixed object
- Driving in a manner to intentionally cause a vehicle to spin/turn in circles
What is street racing?
- Two or more motor vehicles driving in a way that indicates the drivers are competing
- Chasing another motor vehicle
- Changing lanes repeatedly at a high rate of speed and weaving through traffic
The latest stats on speeding and stunt driving in Ontario.

83% of Ontario drivers have witnessed other drivers speeding (CAA SCO, 2022)

Speed-related collisions accounted for 16% of fatalities on Ontario's roads (MTO, 2019)

43% of Ontario drivers have admitted to speeding (CAA SCO, 2022)

The number of roadside driver's licence suspensions for street racing/stunt driving increased 130% between 2013 and 2019 (Ontario Driver Annual Statistics, 2020)

Think twice. Think safety.
CAA reminds drivers that dangerous and risky driving have no place on our streets. Think you need to speed? Think twice. Think safety.
- Immediate 30-day driver’s licence suspension
- Immediate 14-day vehicle impoundment at roadside (whether it is your vehicle or not)
- Minimum fine of $2,000 and a maximum fine of $10,000
- Six demerit points upon conviction
- A jail term of up to six months
- Post-conviction, a driver’s licence can be suspended for a minimum of one year for the first conviction, and drivers with four or more convictions face a non-reducible lifetime suspension
- Drivers convicted of stunt driving/street racing, or careless driving causing bodily harm or death will need to complete a driver improvement course before their licence is reinstated
To learn more about the penalties for speeding below the stunt driving threshold visit Ontario.ca/speeding.
Novice drivers.
Novice drivers will face at least a 30-day licence suspension and possible licence cancellation when convicted for the following offences:

- Speeding 30 km/hr or more over the speed limit
- Following too closely
- Careless driving
- Fail to remain at the scene of a collision
- Stunt driving
For more information, visit the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario page.