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What is Legal Expense Insurance?

It is no secret that the potential costs of a legal dispute can deter you from pursuing your rights. With Legal Expense Insurance, you can rest easy knowing that you are only a phone call away from a lawyer.
Gavel with two people shaking hands in the background

When would Legal Expense Insurance help me?

  • You and your neighbour cannot agree on the property line, and he/she is now building a shed that sits on your property.
  • Your home renovation did not go as planned.
  • You receive an audit notification from the CRA and want to know your legal rights.

What exactly does Legal Expense Insurance cover?

Coverage for reasonable and necessary legal expenses incurred while pursuing or defending an accepted claim, including appointed lawyers, or other suitably qualified persons, and disbursements such as court fees, experts’ fees, police reports or medical reports.

Eligable vehicle list

Auto contract disputes

If you are facing problems buying or selling your vehicle, or with a leasing company regarding the amount due under a lease.

Policy document

Non-auto contract disputes

If you face a dispute relating to obtaining services. 


Property protection

If you are experiencing legal nuisance or trespass, or if someone caused physical damage to your property.


Bodily injury

If someone caused you bodily injury and you wish to take action against them. 


Tax protection

If you wish to appeal a decision from the Canada Revenue Agency, or if you are facing an audit on your personal tax affairs.


Unlimited access to general legal helpline

Guidance is just a phone call away. You will always receive general assistance, even if your issue is not covered by the policy. Call 1-855-853-2288 to know your rights. 

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