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What to do in case of an accident.

At CAA we'll do everything we can to ensure that your claim is quickly and fairly dealt with so you can get back on the road as soon as possible. Here are a few tips on how to make it easier.

Please make sure that you and members of your family are aware of these procedures:

Damaged bumpers from car accident
  1. If the accident is an emergency, call 911 and follow the instructions given to you. Use 911 for emergencies only!
  2. If the accident is not an emergency, call the local police for instructions. In Ontario, all personal injury accidents and all accidents resulting in property damage of $5,000 or higher must be reported to the Police. A number of areas have special programs in effect. Metropolitan Toronto, for example, has several Collision Reporting Centres (CRC)* where you must report in person to these centres within 24 hours. (Only if Police were not present at the scene.) Find out what is required in your area, and keep this information handy.
  3. If safe to do so, remove vehicles from the roadway.
  4. Record details of the accident. How, when and where it happened. Include time, date, location, speed of your vehicle, weather and road conditions. Draw a sketch or take a picture of the accident scene indicating the position and direction of the vehicles and cross streets.
  5. Exchange information with the other involved parties. Name, Driver's Licence number, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle particulars.
  6. If there are any independent witnesses, obtain their name and phone number.
  7. If the Police come to the scene, answer questions honestly, but do not make comments about the accident, or admit fault, or ascribe blame to other driver(s). In Ontario, your insurance company will determine fault based on “Fault Determination Rules” regulated by the Provincial Government.
  8. If use of the CRC is applicable in your area, take or have your vehicle taken to the CRC most convenient to you. You should attend with your vehicle. Without exception, vehicles that have to be towed must go directly to the CRC from the collision location. If there is not a CRC in your area, contact CAA Insurance to discuss repair arrangements, and to answer any of your questions.
  9. Bring your documentation with you to the CRC; Driver's licence, ownership, insurance, details of the accident and other involved parties information.
  10. Call CAA Insurance. A representative will review the claim with you, finalize repair arrangements, and answer any of your questions. If you're at the Centre outside normal business hours, contact CAA the next business day. You can safely leave your vehicle at the CRC overnight. For more information see our claims process.
  11. CAA Insurance will arrange for pick-up and towing of your vehicle (when necessary) from the CRC to a CAA Approved Auto Repair Services facility or you can request an alternative facility.

*Collision Reporting Centre is a Police and Private facility that assists motorists in reporting motor vehicle collisions to the Police.

Information to record at the scene of an accident.

Please record the following information about the other driver involved in the accident.

  • Other driver's name
  • Other driver's address
  • Other driver's telephone number
  • Other driver's license number
  • Other driver's insurance company
  • Other driver's policy number
  • Other driver's vehicle description
  • Witness information

If you are currently insured with CAA Insurance and require Claims Assistance, please contact us at:

Locally: 905‑771‑3000
Toll Free: 1‑877‑222‑1717