It’s Just What We Do
Story By: Jackie Kovacs I Apr 12, 2023

That’s a sentiment widely shared across CAA. When asked about why they regularly go above and beyond, Associates will all tell you the same thing: “It’s just what we do.” Being driven by good is at the core of CAA and its Associates. “That’s the culture that we work in at CAA,” says Laura Kwiatkowski, Manager, Travel Marketing for CAA Club Group. “Everyone comes to the table with their best effort all the time.”
When asked about why they regularly go above and beyond, Associates will all tell you the same thing: ‘It’s just what we do.’
Going the extra mile for Members.
A lasting legacy.
So positively, in fact, that Members often let us know when an Associate has gone the extra mile for them. One such Member, Michelle, told our Insurance team that she and her family had planned their first big trip to Portugal and the Canary Islands for June 2020. It was particularly special because the vacation was funded with money her Grama Millie, a world traveller, had left her. It was her grandmother’s wish that Michelle use the money for travelling, so when the pandemic hit and the trip had to be cancelled, Michelle was devastated. Because she had purchased travel insurance through CAA, she made a claim. With so many claims to process though, it took some time. “As the many months rolled by, we really did begin to lose faith,” she wrote in an email to CAA. “I felt heartbroken that I could lose what Grama had left us. Today, a cheque arrived that completely covered our loss. I don’t mind saying I couldn’t help the tears that came when I opened that letter. You will never know how much it meant to our family to feel we did not lose that precious gift Grama left us.” It’s stories like Michelle’s that reinforce how CAA’s quiet determination to do the right thing is the key reason Members stay with us and why CAA continues to be driven by good.