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Tips for sharing the road.

Be safe.

Drivers must keep a one-metre distance when passing a cyclist. The penalty for not doing so is a $110 fine.

Be visible.

Bicycles must have a white front light, red rear light or reflector and a bell or horn that works. The penalty for missing any of these items is a $110 fine.

Do the Dutch Reach.

Avoid dooring a cyclist by doing the Dutch Reach. The minimum fine for dooring is $365 and 3 demerit points upon conviction.

For more information on cycling safety, including hand signals, infrastructure and sharing the road safely, download our cycling brochure.
Mother helping her kid with the helmet

Helmet safety.

By law, every cyclist under the age of 18 must wear an approved helmet. Riders under 16 years old: a parent or guardian must make sure their child wears a helmet. To find out how to buy the proper helmet, visit CAA Choosing a Helmet.

A side mirror with the CAA Watch for Bikes decal

Watch for Bikes® program.

CAA's Watch for Bikes program reminds motorists to always look carefully for cyclists approaching from behind.

To help raise awareness and remind motorists to stay alert, CAA gives away Watch for Bikes decals at CAA Stores across Ontario. The decal is to be placed on your side mirror as a reminder to check your mirror for cyclists and other traffic. Visit one of our CAA Stores to get your free decal.
Woman enjoying a road trip


Get the most out of your road trip with a TripTik®. Find CAA-approved lodgings, savings partners and more. Create your TripTik® online or order in CAA Stores.
Fixing a flat tire on bike

CAA Bike Assist™

Roadside Assistance for your bicycle. It’s available as part of your membership 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year¹.

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